Thursday, October 4, 2007

Assignment Week #5

Due Oct 11, 2007

For your project you will calculate the peak heat loss, the balance point temperature, and estimate the building annual heating costs, using methods outlined in Sun Wind & Light.

  1. Using Method #15 from Sun, Wind and Light, calculate the skin heat flow in BTU / (hr – sf – deg F)

  1. Using Method #17 from Sun, Wind and Light, calculate the ventilation or infiltration gain/loss in BTU / (hr – sf – deg F)

  1. Determine your total conductive heat flow in BTU / (hr – deg F). To do this, add the results from #1 and #2 above together, and multiply by your building floor area.

  1. Using your peak winter design conditions, estimate the maximum heat loss in Btu/hr. To do this:

Q= #3 x (Ti-To)

  1. Estimate your heat gains from occupants, lights, and equipment, using Methods #12, #13, #14 from Sun, Wind and Light. Your result should be in BTU/(hr-sf)

  1. Using Method #22 in Sun, Wind and Light, calculate your balance point temperature in deg F. Explain what your result tells you.

  1. Find the number of heating degree days for your project. (Use the appendix of SWL, or information you have already gathered.) If your heating system has an AFUE of 85%, and natural gas costs $1.50 per 100,000 BTU, find the total annual heating cost for the building, using the equation:

Cost = ($ x K x HDD x 24 )/ efficiency

Where K = total heat flow in BTU/ (hr – deg F) (i.e. the answer to #3 above)


BillC said...

Am I correct in following the assignment when I disregard heat gains from occupants, lighting, equipment and solar in order to estimate the total heating costs for the building for the year?

chris schaffner said...
